Filco Confidentiality

Filco Confidentiality


Filco limited and its website values the trust our esteemed customer places in us. We insist on taking great care to protect any personal information you provide us.


By using this website, you consent to the practices described in this policy. If you do not consent to our Privacy Policy, kindly do not access our website or provide us with any of our personal information.

NOTE: We only ask for the personal information that we require. We will only use this information to satisfy the purposes for which it was collected such as the marketing process.

NOTE: Our policy is subject to change at any time without notice. If we post changes and you continue to use the Website, you will be deemed to have agreed to the revised terms of the Policy.


Cookies are text files with small pieces of data that are used to identify your device (such as a computer, smartphone, or tablet) as you use a computer network. They are used to identify users and prepare customized Web pages or save site login information.

Cookies help us to provide you with an improved experience by enabling us to identify and save your preferences when you browse and allows us to improve our Website. Blocking cookies will have a negative impact on the usability of the Website.

We may use both the “strictly necessary cookies” and the “analytical/performance” cookies on the Website. Strictly necessary cookies are cookies required for the operation of our website and analytical/performance cookies allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to monitor how visitors move around our website while using it. This helps us improve our Website dynamics.

In order to understand the use of the Website, we use Stat Counter and Google Analytics to generate statistical information about the Website's use and monitor the performance of the Website.



You may voluntarily give us your personal information that identifies who you are by:

creating an online account on the Website, or

filling up and submitting forms on our Website, or

filling up email subscription forms on our Website, or

filling up forms at any of our events, or

filling up forms at a trade fair in which we participated, or

by corresponding with us over the phone, email, online chat or other means, or

registering for our loyalty program, which is hosted and managed by a third party, or

entering an online contest, or

participating in an online survey, or

reporting a customer service request or a problem, or

submitting a review or feedback, or

submitting a testimonial, or

enquiring about our services.


Our web server automatically records some information about your visit but does not recognize or record individual information that identifies who you are unless you actively give us personal information voluntarily that identifies who you are.

The information we record and use for statistical purposes includes but is not limited to the following:

Your server address

The date and time of visit

Duration of visit

Number of pages viewed

The pages accessed and documents downloaded

The previous site visited

Type of device visited from

Type of browser used

Language preference; and

Other such analytical information


Personal information submitted on the Website may be used for:

a)    Recognizing you when you sign in to our services

b) Keeping  track of your specified preferences

c) Enhancing the use of services available on the website.

d) Tracking website usage and effectiveness on you as our customer

e) Improving website experience and security

f) Preventing fraudulent activity

g) Sending you general marketing and non-marketing communications and notifications through email, SMS,  phone mobile app notifications

h) Responding to your inquiries and complaints

i) Publishing information on our website or other marketing tools that you voluntarily shared such as reviews and feedbacks

j) Processing any inquiries or applications regarding job vacancies at our company.

By using our Website, you consent to us processing your information for the purposes for which this information was collected and contacting you by SMS, email, phone, mobile app notification or any other means.

NOTE: We do not disclose your personal information to others for use in their mailing lists or databases. We only use your personal information internally and share it with other people or organizations who need to know it as part of working with us in our day-to-day business activities.

However, we may need to share your personal information with trusted parties, with or without obtaining your consent, that help us provide our services. These include:

a) Law enforcement agencies or governmental organizations where disclosure is required by law

b) Third party rights owners

c) Advertising and marketing agencies

d) Any successors to our business

e) Other service providers.


Filco will take reasonable security measures to protect and prevent the loss, alteration, or misuse of your personal information. We adhere to strict security guidelines, protecting it against unauthorized access. However, data relay over the internet is inherently insecure, and we do not guarantee the security of data sent over the internet.


The terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy shall be enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kenya. If any provisions or portions of this Privacy Policy are found to be invalid as per the laws of the Republic of Kenya, then, that provision notwithstanding, this Privacy Policy shall remain in full force effect and such provision or portion thereof shall be deemed omitted.


For any questions concerning our Privacy Policy or further information, please contact us at i[email protected]

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